Tuesday, July 22, 2014

2014 - Snake in the Lake

Over the last week there has been a developing story in Lake Hopatcong.  The story is of a giant snake patrolling the water and sleeping in boat docks.  Stories of stinky snake poop which indicates the snake has been eating.  There are reports of the snake's length to be 12 feet, 14, feet, 16 feet and 20 feet.  Boa Constrictor?  Green Anaconda?  Not a lot of facts to this story yet, but one fact I can tell you is the movie Anaconda is 100% fiction.  Don't let these movies set your expectations about this snake.

The story now revolves around our local big snake hunter Gerald Andrejack of Common Sense for Animals. Gerald is a former big snake trapper for Reptile World Serpentarium in Kissimmee, FL as well as the respected Reptile House at the Staten Island Zoo.  Gerald has  claimed to have seen the head of the snake. Claims it to be a green anaconda and about 12 to 14 feet long.  He also claims he felt the snake slither between his legs.  Below is a photo of a green anaconda from the Reptile World Serpentarium in which Gerald previously worked.

The sightings have been in Byram Cove and Halsey Island.  (Northwest side of the Lake), which is prime walleye territory!

Since I am not part of the investigation, I have the liberty to make premature predictions.  I am not sure how a green anaconda got into New Jersey nor am I sure why an owner would release it.  Snake owners of these large snakes leave footprints.  They need to buy large rodents for many years to feed it.  Family and friends are usually aware someone in their circle owns a giant green anaconda.  So I am doubtful this was a pet from a Lake Hopatcong resident.  I also believe these professional reptile handlers are some of the biggest exotic snake collectors in the World.  So I wouldn't be surprised if a professional like Gerald Andrejack released the snake themselves.

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